
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Lost for words...

I don't even know where to begin. I'm sad, and somewhat afraid from how the Presidential election turned out. Obama is a smooth talker and a very intelligent man...but he has no experience, and in my opinion, no right to be in office. Pulling all the troops out of Iraq is not the answer that country needs. I guess we as Americans will have to just wait and see how it all pans out. Putting a (probably monetary) penalty on people that don't have health coverage on their children is just plain ridiculous. There are people that can't afford health care for themselves let alone their kids...and now, he's going to penalize the fact that they don't have money. Higher taxes for small businesses and married couples that make more than $250,000 a year? That's not the answer we need. I heard many people saying they would vote for him for the simple fact that he's black...I also heard that people wouldn't vote for him because he's black. Well, I hope those people that based their vote on the color of his skin know what they were voting for in regards to policies. I hope they can sleep at night knowing that they've just given every woman in America the right to kill their baby before it's born. I hope they can sleep at night knowing they just voted for higher taxes. I hope they can sleep at night knowing that they just voted to get all of the troops out of Iraq before they're ready, and I hope that all those people are prepared to deal with the ramifications of pulling those troops out. It's not going to be pretty, and it honestly scares me. Don't get me wrong, I will be happy to have my family that is over there come home...but our job there is not done. The first thing I'm going to ask people when they start complaining about the direction this country is going is "Who did you vote for?" As long as they have an answer, I'll continue listening to their conversation. If they didn't vote, I won't listen anymore. Plain and simple.

Well, I could go on for a long time on what I feel about Obama being elected, and I CAN bitch about it because I voted...but I won't keep wasting your time.

**EDIT** Don't get me wrong, I am not a racist, and I am proud of our country for being able to elect a man of a mixed racial background. It just goes to prove that we are starting to get past all the racial boundaries that we've been dealing with all these years. It just scares me that we have just elected the first black Muslim to run America...


"Character is higher than intellect."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. I for one don't believe the Muslim part, and if he were it wouldn't have necessarily been a dealbreaker for me anyway.

    I voted against him because of the apparent content of his character, NOT the color of his skin. I hope other people made their decisions based on character and not color. And I hope and pray that I am very wrong about his character and that he will turn out to be a better president than I am inclined to expect based on what I've seen.

    In the meantime, remember that our hope is not in princes or politicians, and that this world is just our temporary home. Our hope is in the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.

    (hugs Peanut) We're in God's hands, not any president's.

  2. I totally 100% agree with you. I kind of liked him at the beginning, and then I started to learn more and more about him. My sis and I were talking about it this morning...sometimes you have to pick the 'lesser of two evils'. I'm not sure if this election really qualifies for that, but some of them do! I for one, pick a topic or 2 that I'm not willing to budge on, and base my choice on those 2 topics (and the rest of the issues in balance). In this election, it really came down to 3...same sex marriage, abortion, and the war. I really don't think we've accomplished what needs to be done...

    anyhoo...I also 100% agree with you that we are all in God's hands. Whatever is meant to happen will happen. I said a prayer before RCIA last night asking God to guide this country in the direction He wants it to go in, regardless of the outcome.

  3. I think this election was more about voting for vice president (at least thats the way I see it) because I don't think that either Obama, due to assination, or McCain, due to health will finish their term. So the question is do you want Crazy Joe Biden or Sarah Palin running the country? - Bundy

  4. I voted for McCain more as a vote against Obama. The man I wanted to vote for was not on the ballot, and I'm smart enough to know that the write in is not going to win. I agree with the lesser of two evils, though the difference is not great. I believe McCain has more integrity and accountability than Obama, more belief the the virtue of honesty. I sincerely hope Obama does not screw this country down as deeply as I feel he will....
    big bro

  5. more belief the the virtue of honesty.---- should be "belief IN the virtue..." it's late, please forgive me!

  6. I can't believe that the girl I once knew so many years ago holds such views as have been expressed in this blog and in this entry in particular. It saddens me. :(

  7. "Anonymous" from November 19...who are you? Where do I know you from? I'm intrigued...

  8. Just a long lost friend with a very different set of views. Congrats on the upcoming wedding.

  9. Thanks for the congrats! We're getting excited.

    At least give me a hint as to how I know/knew you...male or female? did i go to school with you?
