
Thursday, December 4, 2008

This sucks

Ok, let's see how much I can type in the next 6 minutes...

It's happening again. The stress is starting to come back. I'm not going to give details, but I will say this. Part of what's contributing to the stress SUCKS big time and I feel like I'm stuck with it. Other parts (wedding planning and Cletus) are peachy. I can't wait for this all to be over, however, I'm enjoying the planning immensely.

I just need to remind myself of the good things I have in my life:
I have my faith.
I have a man who loves me with all his heart, and will be my husband in just over 5 months.
I have my family...and his!!!
I have a roof over my head (which I LOVE-I don't want to move out of that house for a really long time).
I have a job...
I have a car that gets me from A to B when needed even if it does have 113,000 miles on it now (and it's only 7 years old).
I have a paycheck coming in every 2 weeks.
I have a full belly when needed, food on the table, a bed to sleep in, and clothes to keep me warm.

What's stressing me out now seems pretty petty against all of that...


"Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness."
-Richard Carlson


  1. Hugs Peanut...say the word if you want to talk...

  2. Thank you Kasia...I really do appreciate it.

    Hey...did you get my email???

  3. Yes, I did....I'll send it to your "personal" email though..the first one went to your work email...
