Forgive me for rushing through this post, but I have something else that I want to tackle - writing wise - and I need to get this one finished first!
A few years back, I had a fun little post that I would do each week. It was "Time Warp Tuesday". I would either post a picture from 'back in the day' or I would link back to an old story and reminisce about it on a new post. I think I'm going to do that again because it's fun to look back at where I was, and what was going on in the past!
So, here's my new "schedule". I hope to stick with it as much as possible, but please don't be surprised if I can't keep up with it every single week! I will probably start next week, so be on the lookout!
»Monday - Mondays will be my "Weekend Recap" days. I'll try to get on and post about the happenings of the weekend, and any highlights of things that went on.
»Wednesday - Aaah...Wednesday. I'm sure you all have seen "Wordless Wednesday" on a handful of blogs before. Well...I'm going to post one photo each Wednesday with a simple caption.
»Friday - "Flashback Friday's"!!! Yeah, it used to be on Tuesdays, but I'm moving it. :-)
Now for a few "resolutions". I don't usually make resolutions anymore. I never keep them, except for maybe one year. I'm setting goals for myself for this year. Things to just
work on. I in now way intend to perfect these items, but to simply take a few steps in the right direction.
First and foremost - I want to be a better wife and mother. Yeah, we have baby #3 on the way, due in only a few short months, so my hands are going to be incredibly tied...but I need to do this. Before we had kids, and even when I was still pregnant with Julia, and shortly after she was born, I did a lot more around the house. Yeah...2 more kids later, I can see where slacking off might be allowed, but I know I'm capable. I know I can do better. So for now, I'm going to focus on doing one thing each day. Whether it's vacuuming, sweeping, throwing in a load of laundry, not waiting until the end of the day to put the dishes in the get the idea.
Second - I NEED to be a better friend. I feel like I'm on the verge of losing friendships all over the place right now. So, this year, I'm going to do my best to be the one to email/message/call
them at least once a week. Hey, if I can talk to my sister on the phone every other day, or text/message/whatever all the time, I can absolutely talk to someone that I need to make an effort to keep in touch with. My sister is family...she ain't going My friendships, well, they take work. They're my
chosen family, and I need to do my best to keep them close to my heart, too, and prove to them that they are worth the effort. I've failed
miserably at this in the past.
Third - As much as this pains me...I need to read up on more political stuff. I do not like the direction this country is heading...AT ALL...and I need to know what I can do to keep my freedoms my freedoms. Watch for more of this in my next post. Maybe later today, maybe in the next couple of days.
Fourth - I need to be "neater". I actually called myself a slob the other day, just because I couldn't find the battery charger for my camera. It was *in* my laptop bag instead of my camera bag. That's not a slobby thing in my eyes, but it made me realize that deep down inside, I know I can do better than I have been. :-)
What do you have planned for 2013? What are your thoughts on my bloggy blog plans?
Well, if you've made it this far, thanks for reading!!! The kids are starting to stir, so I need to get them up and get the day started.
God bless!!!