
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Rules for Driving in Snow...

1) If you're only going to drive 20 mph wherever you go, just stay home, get someone else who isn't terrified of driving in the snow to take you...or walk - it's good for you!
2) If you have 4 wheel drive, use it. But doesn't help you stop any better.
3) However, just because you have 4 wheel drive doesn't mean you can drive 90 mph with nothing to worry about.
4) If the roads are slick, don't tailgate. That's how accidents happen.
5) If you want to drive like a bat out of Hell, be prepared for damages done to your vehicle or yourself.
6) If you've never driven in the snow...well...during a storm is not the best time to start!
7) If you see an accident, don't stop in the middle of the road or slow down to 5 mph to's rude to the people involved in the accident, and to the other drivers behind you that just don't care.
8) And of careful!

Have a nice day!


“Caution is the eldest child of wisdom”
-Victor Hugo

1 comment:

  1. Yes! And, when driving in *deep* snow, remember that the little cars on the road need to go minimum 30-35 mph, or they will get stuck and you won't be able to go around them.

    If no one can see where the lanes are, assume that normal lane widths don't apply and turn that 4 lane road into a 3 lane. If you are 4 inches from my mirror, and one of us slides sideways....
