I did this in 2010 and
2011, so I figure I will continue the tradition! I don't think I actually posted the thankful posts back in 2010, but I do want to keep doing that. SO! Without further adieu...My 2012 month of thanks!
November 1: I am thankful for my Faith.
November 2: I am thankful for my babies.
November 3: I am thankful for my husband.
November 4: I am thankful for the unconditional love from my little family.
November 5: I am thankful for my parents. For them raising me the way that they did, and for teaching me morals and respect. Love you mom and dad!
November 6: I am thankful that I can make my own choices, and that those choices can help determine the direction of this wonderful country that I live in.
November 7: Today I am thankful for my siblings. For their influence on me as a person, and for what they've shown and taught me. No matter what life brings, I will always love you guys no matter what.
November 8: I am thankful for my extended family, in all parts of the state, country, and world. Even if I don't see you all that often, know that I love and care about you!
November 9: I am thankful that I am healthy enough to enjoy the "little things".
November 10: I am thankful for all of my friends. Those that I keep in touch with every day, those that I don't, and those that I've lost touch with over the years. You all hold a special place in my heart.
November 11: Today and every day I am thankful for our Veteran's. Past, present and future!
And coffee. I'm thankful for coffee today, too.
November 12: I am thankful for healthy babies that eat anything and everything I put in front of them. Usually. Why else do you think Justin is nearly 30 lbs already at just 16 months...lol!
November 13: Today I am thankful that I am able to be a stay-at-home mom. To watch my kids grow knowing that I am *mostly* responsible for what they learn. I am more and more proud of my kids every day. I am especially thankful on days like today for the lack of "free time" (whatever that is...) and that I can still drive my kids where they need to go. Even in the snow. Just because I'm a stay-at-home mom doesn't mean I sit on my butt all day or stay holed up just because of the weather. :-)
November 14: I am thankful for the roof over my head! It protects me, my kiddies, and my wonderful hubby. :-)
November 15: I am thankful for cooperative kids that allow me enough time to get a shower before they start getting mad that I haven't gotten them out of bed yet. :-)
November 16: I am thankful for my former boss. He taught me so much in such a short period of time. I'm really sad that I've lost touch with him. He was someone that I really looked up to.
November 17: Today and always, I am thankful for God's timing.
November 18: Today I am thankful for Tylenol and Motrin... and that it allowed Justin to sleep slightly more comfortable than he would have otherwise. Even if he did still wake up 4 times.
November 19: I am thankful for my chosen family. We may not be blood, but I love you just the same!
November 20: I am thankful for my past struggles and what I have learned from them.
November 21: Today I am very thankful for the unsolicited hugs, kisses, and snuggles that I get from the kids.
November 22: Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Today I am thankful for the internet...in general. Without it, I would not be able to participate in our annual family Thanksgiving party. Thanks to Yahoo messenger and video conferencing, I will be able to be there in spirit.
November 23: Today I am thankful for humidifiers and Vick's. Without them we may not have mostly-healthy-again kids! Thank goodness for less coughing overnight and this morning.
November 24: I know I've said it once this month already, but I am thankful for my husband. He has really been a trooper through all of my lazy days with this pregnancy...and believe me. There have been a LOT of lazy days. He provides for us, and works hard so that I can stay home with the kids. I don't know where I would be without him. Love you, honey!
November 25: Today I'm thankful that I'm smart enough to realize that turn signals are not optional on vehicles for a reason, that a yield sign is not the same as a stop sign, and that passing on the right is both illegal and not necessarily safe (even though I have done it a handful of times since I started driving). I often wonder where some people learned how to drive, and how they got their license...
November 26: Today I am thankful to be alive and well. Exhausted, run down, emotional as all get out, but alive and well. I'm also thankful for my "in real life" friends that I've kept over the years. Especially those that didn't "leave me" one of the many times that I was being a butt head. You know who you are...
November 27: Mornings like today make me so very thankful for nights when both kids sleep well...and coffee. Again.
November 28: Today I'm thankful that the kids checked out (mostly) healthy at their follow up, and that I felt almost normal after my nap today! And for Justin's snoring. Little man can saw logs with the best of them!!!
November 29: Today I am thankful for the innocence of children...and that Julia just told me she wanted to go buh-bye in her pajamas.
November 30: I am so glad that I have so many things to be thankful for, that I could continue this for another month! I am so blessed...and for that, I am so very thankful...
What are you thankful for?
God bless!