I always say that my siblings and I all turned out pretty well. We're level headed, have good intentions, and love our family. We all have the ability to see things from just about any angle. We may not agree with one decision, and it might grate on us, but for the most part, we can at least
see that point of view. We can all multi task efficiently, can cook with the best of them, and have each others backs when the time arises. I always have to give credit to my parents because of how well we turned out.
There are many days that I sit and wonder if my kids will turn out as well as we all did. Will they understand that everyone has their own opinion? Will they be accepting of said other opinions? Will they be polite? Will they listen when someone is talking to them, or continue doing whatever they were doing? Will they be courteous? Will I be able to teach them that family should
always come first, and that when they gets married
their family comes first? Will they be able to see all sides of the story when a dilemma arises? Will they do well in school? Will they be athletic? Will they understand that unconditional love means just that...
unconditional? Will they be patient in their life and with their decisions, or will they jump to conclusions and in and out of relationships trying to find "the one"? Will they be able to understand that they need to be independent, but at the same time know that we will be there - as their parents - should they not be able to do it on their own? Will they be respectful? Courteous? Honest?...
I know I have no way of knowing the answers to all of these questions right now, and that it is in fact all in the way that I raise them, but I can't help but wonder especially now that we've entered the stage in Julia's life that tantrums are more prominent. She's still so young, but I wonder if there's anything I should be doing differently...
*sigh* the joys of parenthood...
God bless